Sometimes I get into a mindset where I start to question sites as a medium. I think about school, how I used to paint, make sculptures, and create installations, and I wonder what might have happened if I had taken that path instead of a screen-based one.
The other day, I was biking to the studio and remembered that sites are just writing. As I get older, my focus and interest in the web is shifting. I see it less as a visual space or a place to connect with others and more as a place to go inward. A way of writing and learning about myself, how I relate to others, and how I connect to the world. I’d like to hold onto that intention more. It’s part of why I started this site.
Sites are just a way to write. You can publish publicly, privately, or quietly. Like any medium, sites can be used in many ways. Right now, I want to use them as a way to learn about myself, how I’m changing, and how I relate to others and the world.