i’ve been pinning moments again. i used to only pin current moments, but now i’m seeing them more as memory pins. often, a past memory comes to mind, and if i don’t write it down, i forget it—similar to dreaming and losing the dream unless you write it down.
lately, i’ve been thinking about how important the past is to me. i’ve been questioning the saying, don’t live in the past. i used to worry a lot about the future, but living more in the past has actually helped me. maybe because it’s comforting or grounding, or because it highlights what i need more of in life. maybe looking back is a way of looking forward. haha, it sounds like a slogan.
all you need is paper, a pen, your attention, your memories, and 15 mins.
- Go back into your memory. Let memories come up. Try to think of memories that are or have something positive.
- Write down the memories in as much detail as possible. Kind of like when you try to write down a dream. You can use pen & paper, a laptop also works.
- From the memories you wrote down, distill the things from that memory that you want to have/feel/experience/do more of in your present life. You could think of them as tags. Write them down in a list.
- Optional: share the list with others.

Extra Practice newsletter for November, 2024 written by Emma. Grown Up Business Trip 🛝🌳 link